Sunday, February 3, 2008

Drum roll please....

Husband randomly picked the winners for the first WRFDJ Running Tunes giveaway! These are some of the songs that keep me going on those long runs.

I decided to pick 3 instead of just one:
ang, katie torriente, and anne.

Congrats! Email your name and address to, and I will send your new tunes on their way. And if you didn't win, don't fret. We will be doing more giveaways in the future.

And here's something that's given me a little extra boost this week: I fit into my skinny jeans:) Happy running.


Ang said...


I'm so pumped! Thanks!

Ang said...

I was so excited that I forgot to congratulate you on fitting into your skinny jeans!!!! That is so awesome!.

I'm inspired to eat better now so I can say the same. (I know not running enough is NOT the problem!)

Katie Torriente: said...

Wooooo Whooo!!! I won, it's amazing! Congrats on fitting in the jeans, that is the best feeling! Keep up all the running.